Evolve > Mindfulness >Mindful Chai – The Benefits
Mindful chai is a mindfulness practice of being in the present moment with your cup of chai. It’s a simple practice and you can do it anytime, anywhere. In order to practice it, keep your cup of tea close by, is all.
Mindfulness comes with its own range of benefits and techniques, so what makes mindful chai special? Here, we take a look at the benefits of mindful tea on your mind and body.

Benefits of mindful chai
It’s easy to do. Mindful chai is something that you can do anytime, anywhere. It’s easy to follow and all you need is your cup of chai with you. Whether you’re having tea at a stall or in the favorite corner of your home, you can practice mindful chai. Hence, it’s an easy way to incorporate a few minutes of mindfulness into your day.
It’s a refreshing way to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is often considered something daunting and serious. Mindful tea changes all of that by being a refreshing and light way to practice mindfulness. Because of the positive imagery and something as simple as chai, it’s a fun and easy way to practice mindfulness
It helps improve your mood. In mindful chai with Evolve, we also incorporate gratitude. You take a moment to show gratitude for your chai and to all the people who were involved in getting the tea to you right from the plantation workers to the person who made it. This moment of positivity and gratitude flows through your body and mind. As a result, it makes you happy and improves your mood.

It gives your mind a break. When you’re having tea, you want to take a moment to relax and take a break. By practicing mindfulness with your cup of chai, you allow yourself to stay in the present moment and settle your thoughts. As a result, you give your mind a break and are refreshed after a couple of minutes.
It allows you to enjoy your chai. Drinking tea is such a routine activity, you may not take time to actually enjoy it. With mindful tea, you’re engaging your senses by feeling the cup, noticing the aroma and taking a moment to really taste your tea. Hence, with mindful tea, you can enjoy your tea and its subtleties which make for a refreshing change.
Mindful chai is one of the different ways of practicing mindfulness. There are many other ways to cultivate and practice mindfulness, be it eating, walking or mindfulness meditation, we suggest you give mindful chai a try. It might just be your cup of tea.
Take a moment and practice mindful chai with Evolve’s guided audio today! The Evolve app is now live globally on Android & Apple, click here to try for free!