Returns & Refunds

This policy only applies to products sold in the Evolve Shop, for app related queries please see our app FAQ

Eligibility for Refunds

  • You are eligible for a full refund if you have not downloaded the product through your provided download link.
  • Once the product has been downloaded, we cannot issue a refund.

Additional Notes

This policy is designed to ensure the integrity and value of our digital products. Please verify your purchase before downloading to avoid any inconvenience.

This refund policy aligns with consumer protection laws in many countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the European Union, which recognise the unique nature of digital goods and services. By making a purchase, you agree to our refund policy as stated.

Contact Us

If you encounter any issues with your download or have questions about your purchase, please contact our team immediately. We are committed to resolving any problems and ensuring your satisfaction.