Table of Contents
Mindfulness By Jon Kabat Zinn

As per Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness is anything that is done in the present while being fully aware in service of wisdom and self-understanding.
This definition contains a number of crucial points that were not picked at random. Mindfulness is simply a subset of consciousness. As a result, it is not mystical. Unless we are sleeping, we are constantly conscious of something. But not necessarily in a deliberate manner.
That is why, according to the second half of the definition, it should be done on purpose. It implies that we must use some willpower on our end. It’s not just zoning out or daydreaming.
Kabat-Zinn goes on to argue that it should be a conscious knowledge of the current moment. This implies we should not be preoccupied with previous memories, fantasies, or anxieties about the future. We must pay attention to whatever is going on right now.
Finally, it is stated how we should be mindful of the current moment: non-judgmental. This implies that we attempt to be as open to whatever is going on as possible without adding another layer on top of it. This additional layer is frequently our own perspective on how things should be.
Jon compiled all his learning to create a course called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) which is an eight-week program to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression and pain.
Everyday Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness with Evolve
You can invest in yourself with the Evolve App, now available for free across the world.
Sleep well, deal with depression, overcome anxiety, become more productive, de-stress & improve your mental health to achieve happiness by scientifically proven techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness & Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).
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