Meditation Visions And Their Meanings- Everything You Need To Know!

Visions during meditation
Visions during meditation

‘Meditation Visions’- the very term might seem like an alien idea to most people, without the exception of daily meditators even, but visions are something that do occur when we meditate. The explanation provided by various sources states that these visions often appear when you are lying in a realm between sleep and consciousness. Some people are prone to experiencing meditation visions while others may never have experienced a single vision ever. It sounds strange but that’s exactly the way it works. You can see visions in the form of shapes, images, lights, colours, visual thoughts and other such symbols that contain different meanings. These visions are important to consider because they can have the power to impact and add meaning to your life. They can also provide insight into your life and most importantly, your mind.

It is an unsubstantiated rumour, having no base at all, that visions during meditation involves the third eye and having access to it. They believe that these visions are symbolic of some divine superpowers that an individual has achieved out of their process of meditation. However, that does not necessarily mean that you have to unlock the third eye through meditation because you cannot achieve visions forcefully; they are a very natural phenomenon and such baseless popular assumptions have no significance at all. Your end goal should be to relax and achieve internal peace through your practice and not to have visions. Remember, that as much as it is a natural occurrence, it is not mandatory to have visions for every human being.

Different Kinds of Visions During Meditation And Their Meanings

These are the various kinds of visions that you can generally experience during your practice:

  • Eyes
  • Faces
  • Flowers
  • The Moon
  • Owl
  • Lights and Colours
  • Landscapes
  • Pyramids

Let us look at each symbol during meditation in detail:


Side view closeup of crop lady with freckles and mascara applied on blue eyes
Seeing eyes during meditation

If you happen to see eyes during meditation, it generally represents the opening up of your subconscious. Many people also suggest that seeing eyes while meditating can mean that you have gained access to your third eye that controls your wisdom and awareness and is situated in your forehead.


Faces of family members you lost or spiritual guides might be a potential meditation vision
Faces of family members you lost or spiritual guides might be a potential meditation vision

Seeing various countenances during meditation is considered to be a side effect of unlocking your access to the third eye. The common interpretation of this meditation vision is that you usually tend to visualize either the faces of very close people in your life, to whom you were unfathomably attached or you see your spiritual guide. This guide can be anybody starting from your idol, your role model, your mentor or some religious figure or even God.


Meditation Vision- Flowers
Meditation Vision- Flowers

Many people see flowers in their visions during meditation, especially flowers like a lotus. It can symbolise spiritual growth because the lotus flower does not grow in very pleasant surroundings, still, it manages to bud and blossom and become breathtakingly beautiful shrugging off all the negativity that surrounds it, in a jiffy. This is representative of the positive growth of a person even amidst unfavourable situations.

The Moon

Meditation vision- moon and its meaning
Meditation vision- moon and its meaning

There are various interpretations regarding the vision of a moon during meditation. The common explanation is that if you see a half or crescent moon during meditation, it represents a dream, a spiritual goal or a desire still left unfulfilled while visualizing a full moon would be indicative of the fact that there’s a kind of satisfaction or spiritual fulfilment in your life.


Meditation Vision- Owl

Having a vision of an owl while you meditate might be signs of a spiritual guide. An owl is a symbol of wisdom and strength and thus, the image of an owl might be a message to your mind that the path you are following in life, needs some expert spiritual guidance and redefining of purpose. It can be a signal for you to try and concentrate on what you are missing out to contribute, to make the journey of life more wise and purposeful.

Lights and Colours

Colours and Lights- Visions during meditation
Colours and Lights- Visions during meditation

It is possible that you see various colours during meditation like white, red, black, purple, yellow or green and these colours represent different qualities like warmth, passion, peace, transparency and wisdom.

On the other hand, lights of various colours like golden also appear as a common vision during meditation representing a state of bliss or divine energy emanating from your entire being.

Beautiful Landscapes

Landscapes- Meditation Vision

You might tend to see beautiful landscapes which include trees, water, mountains, forests and lakes. You can perhaps feel yourself immersed deeply in these situations as if you are located in the midst of a beautiful landscape. These visions can help your mind and body to reach a state of intense relaxation, purifying your mind of all negative thoughts. The image of water is very powerful in removing all stress and anxiety. Trees are symbols of regeneration and growth and it can signify that a lot of positivity might be coming your way.


Vision of meditation- Pyramids

The visualization of pyramids as a meditation vision can be very interesting. Pyramids are structures that belong to the ancient ages and were built thousands of years ago. They are very complicated structures and a major, noteworthy change considering the usual architecture of the time they were built in. So, pyramids might be an indication of some radical changes or implications in your life.

Some points to remember!

  • If you find that meditation visions and their meanings are eventually overwhelming you, then it is advisable that you start practicing a meditative attitude rather than getting frightened by them. Concentrate on the visions and observe them as well as your reactions to them minutely rather than shrinking at the very thought of experiencing visions. Don’t be afraid and stop your meditation practice altogether
  • You can also consider journaling your feelings about the visions that you experienced during meditation
  • Never judge the visions. Let them flow in an organic manner!
  • Focus on calming and relaxation- the primary motive for meditation rather than forcing yourself to have visions

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