If you deal with procrastination, you understand how difficult it can be to break such a deep-seated habit. You’ll realise that it’s all too easy to fall back into your old habits, despite how much you may long to be the kind of person who completes a task as soon as it arises.
But there’s a good reason why it’s challenging to fight the impulse to put anything off. Even if it’s simple to convince yourself you’re going to “be productive” and fall back on self-criticism when you get sidetracked, doing so ignores a crucial aspect of procrastination: the fact that it’s a habitual behaviour brought on by an underlying cause.
Each of the six primary human needs—safety, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution—is the driving force behind one of the six sorts of “procrastination,” and knowing which type you are can help you break your habit once and for all.

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Six Types Of Procrastination
1. The Perfectionist
The Perfectionist believes as though there is always space for growth, becomes overwhelmed by expectations, and demands absolute perfection. For them, finishing projects to their rigorous standards seems unattainable. In an effort to avoid embarrassment or criticism for their sloppy work, this procrastinator puts off doing something.
How to overcome the habit: In order to avoid spending excessive time on a task, the Perfectionist needs clear deadlines. They also need to be reminded that getting something done is preferable to spending a long time making it perfect because perfection does not exist.
2. The Dreamer
The Dreamer frequently underestimates the amount of time something will take and becomes bored, mostly because they crave diversity in their life, work, or everyday responsibilities.
How to overcome the habit: Setting modest, daily, reachable goals and being realistic about the task and how long it would take to finish are two strategies for the Dreamer to combat procrastination.
Additionally, they should create a clear plan for how to approach the assignment, follow it, and hold themselves accountable by sharing their progress with peers or coworkers and the deadline as needed. When the Dreamer completes little tasks, they might also wish to treat themselves to something to boost their motivation.

3. The Worrier
The Worrier is driven by dread and uses procrastination to find safety. This fear may be imposter syndrome, fear of being judged, fear of achievement, or even fear of failure.
How to overcome the habit: The Worrier should take some time to truly investigate their anxieties; they might even start a blog in which they ponder the worst-case scenario in order to overcome procrastination.
The Worrier might also enjoy taking breaks during the day to engage in stress-relieving exercises like yoga, meditation, or breathwork. It can also be helpful to have a solid support system around you.
4. The Drama Queen
The Drama Queen puts off duties because they believe they do better under pressure, which causes them to become anxious and hurried when the time comes. But when a task would ordinarily seem monotonous, they relish the excitement of working to a deadline.
How to overcome this habit: Instead of using stress as motivation, the Drama Queen can find more positive obstacles and motivators for the task.
In order to take advantage of their own natural adrenaline rush and do activities faster, they may also set deadlines for themselves.
5. The Rebel
Even by oneself, the Rebel doesn’t enjoy being told what to do. They dislike feeling in charge. Numerous jobs appear unfair or like a waste of their time. They favour remaining in charge of circumstances and preserving their sense of identity.
How to overcome this habit: Instead than reacting, the Rebel should try to take action. Before acting, individuals should consider many possible responses to a task and be conscious of the times when they choose resistance.
In order to satisfy their demand for individuality, they may also ask themselves whether short-term pleasure is worth potential regrets or decide to accomplish one task each week in their own unique way.
6. The Over-Doer
The Over-Doer struggles to set priorities and say no, which causes an excessive amount of demands on their time. They take on too much, feel overloaded, and then put things off because they have too much to do.
How to overcome the habit: The Over-Doer should be aware of their limitations and make an effort not to take on too many tasks, learning when to say “no”.
In order to preserve their priorities, they should also prioritise their tasks so that they only work on one at a time, and they should create a daily to-do list.
To learn more about what is procrastination and signs of procrastination read:
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