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Who ESTPs Get Along With the Best
The cognitive alignment of the types, their temperaments, and their interpersonal communication styles are the foundations of ESTP compatibility. Here are some ESTPs:
Se Ti Fe Ni Interaction style (Linda Berens): Se Ti Fe Ni Cognitive functions in command
There is no ideal match that is 100 percent compatible. Based on four criteria—communication, passion, friendship, and partnership—ESTPs are assessed for how well they get along with other personality types. A match that performs well in one often performs poorly in another. It is up to the individual to determine what elements of a relationship are most significant to them.

ESTP individuals tend to be most compatible with individuals who share their direct and action-oriented approach to communication. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), ESTPs may communicate best with individuals who have the same or similar personality types, such as ISTP, ESFP, and ESTJ (Truity, 2021).
However, it’s important to note that communication styles can vary greatly even within the same personality types. Some individuals may have developed different communication styles based on their upbringing, culture, and life experiences.
Therefore, the key to successful communication with an ESTP is to be clear, concise, and direct. ESTPs value efficiency and practicality, so they prefer communication that is straightforward and focused on the present moment (Personality Junkie, 2021).
When it comes to finding a life mate, ESTPs are most suited for IJ personalities, specifically INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ. They are the most effective when working together and accomplish the most while working together. The IJ provides a counterbalance to them and assists them in carrying out their ideas in an efficient manner. In addition, their approaches to work do not compete with one another, which helps to avoid both conflict and complacency.
When it comes to friendship, ESTPs are typically more compatible with other SP types. This indicates that ISTPs, ESTPs, ESFPs, and ISFPs are the types of people with whom they have the most compatibility when it comes to companionship. These personalities share a similar perspective on the world, which enables them to get along well with one another and take pleasure in doing things together.
When it comes to compatibility in the area of passion, ESTPs are best suited for a partnership with someone who possesses the opposite cognitive processes as they do. People who are ESTJs, ISTJs, ENFPs, and INFPs are considered to be their polar opposites and are said to excite them. This enthusiasm, on the other hand, can also evolve into the most electrifying conflicts. When brought together, people of these personalities are more inclined to settle their differences through “physical activities.”
Who ESTPs Get Along With The Least
Who ESTPs are least compatible with ESTPs have the most difficulty getting along with the personality types that have the opposite cognitive functions, and as a result, they are the least compatible with those personality types. When two people who hold drastically different worldviews meet together, conflict is almost certain to ensue at some point. The following are some common points of contention between ESTPs and those who have other personality types, despite the fact that all couples, regardless of their kinds, have fights.
Incompatibility with the four different varieties of SJs (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, and ISFJ)
In order to make progress toward a singular Ni vision, ESTPs try to get involved with what can actually be done in the here and now. As a result, they upset the SJ and give them the impression that everything is in disarray thanks to their disruption of the status quo. SJs carry out their work in accordance with a well-defined procedure that is derived from previous work. The ESTP will see this as a suffocating and confining environment. The SJ’s reluctance to “go for it” or go forward is a mystery to the ESTP, who can’t fathom why the SJ feels this way. The SJ considers the ESTP’s method of interacting with the world to be reckless and potentially harmful.
Contradiction with the following NP types: ENTP, INTP, ENFP, and INFP
NPs are more likely to concentrate on a wide variety of potential outcomes, which ESTPs believe to be unrealistically realizable in the here and now. Therefore, the ESTP disapproves of the NP’s ideas since they are unrealistic and cannot be implemented. This results in the NP’s perception of decreased value. The ESTP has the impression that the NP does not understand how to complete the tasks that need to be completed. They believe that there is a lack of follow up on their part. The NP has the impression that the ESTP is unimaginative and stuck in their ways.
Incompatibility with many forms of FP, including ENFP, INFP, ESFP, and ISFP
Because they are founded on an intuitive sensation and a love of a thing rather than on the underlying reasons for doing something, the values of the FP are incomprehensible to the ESTP. The FP is irritated by the rationale of the ESTP. They are just concerned with the fact that the action was carried out and not the motivations behind it. The ESTP is given the impression by the FP that they are a heartless or uncaring person because they value reason over emotion. The ESTP is able to make the FP believe that their feelings are not valid when confronted with logic.
Incompatibility with the four different varieties of TJ personalities (ENTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, and ISTJ)
Because of their emphasis on productivity, TJs can become irritated when ESTPs insist on taking the time to fully comprehend a situation before moving forward. There is a risk that ESTPs will lack respect for TJs due to their shallow subject knowledge. The ESTP recognizes that the TJ is able to recite a number of facts, but that this belies the reality that they lack a fundamental comprehension of the topic at hand. When an ESTP is being taught a concept by a TJ or when the TJ is trying to explain the concept to an ESTP, the ESTP is likely to ask several questions in order to construct their own internal framework of the topic being taught. The TJ may at times take these queries to imply a lack of research or that they are simplistic.
ESTP Compatibility Chart
Compatible Personality Types for ESTP | Communication Style |
ISTP | Direct and concise |
ESFP | Energetic and fun |
ESTJ | Logical and efficient |
INFP | Value harmony and authenticity |
ISFP | Value harmony and authenticity |
ESFJ | Practical and focused on the present moment |
ISFJ | Practical and focused on the present moment |
In conclusion, ESTP individuals tend to communicate best with those who share their direct and action-oriented approach to communication. While the compatibility chart is a helpful guide, it’s important to remember that individual communication styles can vary greatly regardless of personality type.
If you’re an ESTP looking to improve your communication and relationships, you may find the Evolve app to be a helpful tool. The app offers a variety of resources and support for the LGBTQ+ community, including mental health resources and a community forum where you can connect with others who share your experiences and interests.
By downloading the Evolve app, ESTP individuals can gain access to valuable resources and support that can help them navigate their unique communication style and build meaningful relationships.
The Evolve app is now live globally on Android & Apple, click here to try it for free!
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