Mental health inclusivity is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and support within our communities. This article highlights the importance of inclusive mental health practices and offers actionable advice to ensure people in positions of responsibility promote inclusivity in their approach. What is Mental Health Inclusivity? Mental health inclusivity means ensuring that mental health…
Social anxiety is a widespread disorder that affects millions of individuals globally. It is characterised by a strong anxiety about being criticized, rejected, or judged in social settings. The avoidance of social situations, loneliness, and a detrimental influence on daily life might result from this phobia. Although managing and overcoming social anxiety can be difficult,…
Anxiety is a widespread problem that affects millions of people throughout the world. Social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder, and panic disorder are just a few of the numerous ways it might present. A person’s employment, relationships, and general well-being can all be negatively impacted by anxiety, which can be crippling. Apart from managing anxiety, it’s…
Meditation is an extremely helpful and healthy practice that can bring about unthinkable positive changes in your body and mind. It is also instrumental in increasing mindfulness and giving you a more sound and Meditation is an extremely helpful and healthy practice that can bring about unimaginable positive changes in your mind and body. It…
Read more about Colours of Meditation: What do Colors Mean During Meditation Made Easy For You!
Meditation is a mental exercise that is performed to gain control of our thoughts, relaxation, and improve concentration. Simple techniques like meditation can help you relax mentally, let go of daily worries, and set your mind free. Mind control is greatly helped by meditation. The mind has the capacity to think a lot and to…
Baoding balls are a pair of relatively small balls, each small enough to be carried in one hand. They are also known as Chinese meditation balls, workout balls, or even Zen meditation balls. Baoding balls are commonly employed by continually rolling two or more of them in your palm so that their relative positions are…
We all experience stress or burnout at some time in our careers that is related to the corporate world. Stress is a mental or emotional state where tension is present due to unfavourable circumstances. Contrarily, burnout is a condition brought on by repeated exposure to stress. It results in the weakness of the mind or…
The most challenging part of childhood stress would be to recognize it. In adults, it is easy to know whether a person is stressed because we know the signs, and adults can express or talk about it well. We know what kind of help we need or how to ask someone to help us if…
Many people experience anxiety around the world; however, some may not even be aware of it. It’s possible that they view any symptoms they may experience as simply a typical aspect of their conduct. Or it’s possible that they are aware of some signs but have become accustomed to them. Read The article to learn…
What Is Anxiety ? Want to learn about types of anxious people, this article will help you understand types of anxious people. The body and mind’s response to stressful, hazardous, or strange events is anxiety. It’s the unease, anxiety, or fear you experience before a big event. A certain amount of anxiety keeps us awake…
Why Do Anxiety Disorders Occur? Anxiety disorders have uncertain specific aetiology. A combination of hereditary and environmental variables may be involved, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Additionally, being investigated as a potential cause is brain chemistry. Your brain’s regions that regulate your fear response may be at play. Read the article…
What Is Journaling? Our thoughts and feelings are recorded in journals. Despite the fact that most journaling and finding new journaling ideas is a daily activity, there are virtually no guidelines. Keeping a journal is a method to document daily life. discovering our triggers for happiness and/or unhappiness. Your Journaling ideas can vary according to…
Do you ever find yourself unable to stop thinking? That your mind is racing and you can’t seem to keep up with it? If this is the case, you may be overthinking. Overthinking occurs when your thoughts spin out of control, trapping you in a never-ending loop of anxiety. Anxiety, on the other hand, is…
Do you have trouble turning off the small voice in your brain while you’re at a party? Do you ever wonder if the person you’re speaking with thinks you’re boring? Do you wish you could go through just one social engagement without second-guessing yourself, becoming uptight, and obsessing over every “mistake”? You’ll learn what causes…
Read more about How To Stop Overthinking Social Interactions
Money, housing, employment, relationships, and living a “successful” life are regularly recognized as sources of anxiety for many individuals in modern life. Our fears might have a big influence on us at times. We can’t sleep because we’re overthinking everything. This article will help you with how to stop overthinking at night. People suffering from…
You can find yourself replaying practically every idea in your head at times. You may be so preoccupied with even little decisions and “what-ifs” that you become paralyzed with inaction. Overthinking is what experts call it. This article will help you analyze and overcome overthinking and its symptoms. It’s natural to become “in your head”…
It’s great to meet someone you aspire to be with for a long time. It may also be nerve-racking, especially if you dwell on it. When you overthink in a relationship, it might feel like you’re holding a magnifying glass up to identify and avert possible problems so that everything works out perfectly. However, experts…
‘Meditation Visions’- the very term might seem like an alien idea to most people, without the exception of daily meditators even, but visions are something that do occur when we meditate. The explanation provided by various sources states that these visions often appear when you are lying in a realm between sleep and consciousness. Some…
Read more about Meditation Visions And Their Meanings- Everything You Need To Know!
Happy and positive affirmations for test anxiety are one method for putting all those bad ideas aside, replacing them with positive thoughts, and performing your best in an exam. Test-taking affirmations can actually make you feel better and help you overcome test anxiety. Most students experience nervousness or anxiety. However, if you are unable to…
Read more about Test Taking Affirmations To Overcome Test Anxiety
Most people picture a monk sitting with his back straight and his eyes closed when they think about meditation. They ask you to close your eyes in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, the most popular type of meditation in the West. But if you wonder can I meditate with my eyes open? Well, this article will help…
You might find yourself suddenly breaking down uncontrollably in the midst of your meditation practice. It might also perplex you to an extent that you start getting frightened but it is only a very normal experience. We are all believers in the common notion that meditation relaxes and calms our body and mind and thus…
Read more about Crying During Meditation: Why Do We Cry During Meditation?
The waves of pleasure that you feel during meditation might not always be limited to sensations of calmness and tranquillity or a relaxed atmosphere in your body and mind. They can also turn out to be disturbing and very uncomfortable, and more so because the common notion of meditation that is usually provided in schools,…
Read more about Waves of Pleasure During Meditation – That Floating Feeling
Kindness is a vital virtue and a trait that has been shown to foster long-term, productive, and healthy relationships. There is, however, a narrow line between compassion and pleasing. When you are appealing, you have few, if any, personal limits. Others perceive you as weak as a result. If there is one behavior that will…
Thinking is natural to human beings. Thoughts are a natural occurrence to any human being who has a sound mind and is conscious of their being, their present, past, and future. However, some people can’t help but think too much, perhaps, about an odd situation that passed them by, an important day yet to arrive,…
Read more about How to Stop Overthinking and Relax? 5 Simple Tips
Mindfulness By Jon Kabat Zinn As per Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness is anything that is done in the present while being fully aware in service of wisdom and self-understanding. This definition contains a number of crucial points that were not picked at random. Mindfulness is simply a subset of consciousness. As a result, it is not…
Read more about Jon Kabat Zinn’s Definition of Mindfulness
Who is Jon Kabat-Zinn? Well, the first question after clicking on the article will definitively be who is Jon Kabat-Zinn? Don’t worry I am here to answer all your questions and guide you through the 9 attitudes one must portray to lead a mindful life. Jon Kabat Zinn’s 9 attitudes will help you help deepen…
📞Global Mental Health Helpline Numbers 📞 What is Death Anxiety and How To Overcome? Death anxiety (also known as thanatophobia) is a dread of death, the process of dying, or the loss of a loved one. And it’s a lot more prevalent than you would imagine! People with death anxiety find it difficult to stop…
If you’re new to meditation or thinking about starting, you might be wondering how long you should meditate to get genuine results. You might also wonder how long meditation takes to work. Meditation might be challenging at first. But the benefits arrive quickly enough, and they improve gradually. Read this article to find out how…
We all grieve in our unique ways. For some, it goes quickly, while for others, it takes a long time. The fact is that when we lose someone we care about, we never quite recover. The vacuum, the void they leave, becomes a part of our lives. It becomes a part of our trip and…
Evolve > Mindfulness > Guided Meditation vs Self-Guided Meditation Guided meditation or self-guided meditation? Which one is better? Which one should you practice? The answer isn’t that binary. In order to understand which one is better, and which one is for you, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. What is the difference…
Evolve > Meditation > The Difference Between React and Respond To understand the difference between react and respond, let’s first imagine the below situation. You’re driving along, on your way to work, minding your own business. Out of nowhere, someone starts to cut you off or drives dangerously! You need to hit your breaks instantly…
Simply put, self-esteem is how we value ourselves. It’s more particularly the stories we tell ourselves about the types of people we are. We have good self-esteem if our opinions about ourselves are typically favourable. If our ideas about ourselves are frequently negative, we, like many others, may have poor self-esteem. The good news is…
What is stoicism? Stoicism is a life-affirming philosophy that emerged centuries ago. This philosophy was designed to shape the human spirit so that it becomes resilient, happy, virtuous, and wise, as a consequence of which they evolve into better individuals possessing great strength of mind and soul. This philosophy and its principles equip human beings…
In Today’s age, it is all about dealing with it and how! Mindfulness exercises are simply about being in the very moment you are inhaling your next breath. This does not come easy.
Read more about Simple Mindfulness Exercises-How To Make You More Peaceful
As we all know, there are very few habits as healthy and satisfying as meditation, especially when practiced daily or at least at regular intervals with consistency. Meditation is a great practice for people of all ages all over the world. If you are someone who has been introduced to meditation in the recent past…
Meditation for awareness means looking into yourself to understand your thought processes. It is seeing yourself and understanding how you are perceived by others.
Read more about Meditation For Awareness Simplified-all you Beginners need to know
Predicting a future which is not in your control. If you are stepping on the gas asking what if this happens? What if I am not asked for a date? What if I say ‘No’…? Stop the thought at once.
Read more about How To Stop Overthinking And Plummet A Stressful Life
Meditation in general, and daily meditation in particular, is a very simple yet beneficial practice for your mind and body. It is a practice owing to its origin to the primordial times. Meditation has been practiced in thousand different ways over the years but its actual motive was to try and comprehend the sacred and…
Read more about Daily Meditation- How to Practice and What are the Benefits?
Evolve > Anxiety > How To Stop Overthinking In 5 Simple Ways The very thought of overthinking is abominably frightening to us but to admit the truth, it’s barely within our control. You do not choose to overthink. One thought leads to another and it is a never-ending thread your mind is caught in, like…
When taking a bite of the food, notice how your body reacts and responds. Is the chewing sensation causing pain or discomfort? How is your stomach reacting? Does your mouth feel dry?
Read more about Mindful Eating- Simple Practice To Be In Good Health
Stoicism was founded by a dye trader. To begin with, Zeno of Citium was a Phoenician trader whose ship sunk near the Athenian port of Piraeus. Zeno lived, but he never returned to Athens. He spent twenty years studying with many philosophers before creating the Stoic school of thought about 301 BCE. Practicing stoicism can…
What are the 4 Cardinal Virtues? There are four cardinal virtues concerning the mind and the character of an individual according to the doctrines of classical philosophy and Christian Theology. The ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers stated that there were seven virtues in all, out of which four were recognized as cardinal virtues. The four…
Read more about 4 Cardinal Virtues – Aristotle and Plato
Silence your Inner Critic An inner critic is your inner voice which constantly helps you understand where you are wrong and how to make things right. Your inner critic is also called the inner voice or superego. If your mind likes judging, it means that there is a definite existence of your inner critic. Having…
Read more about How to Silence Your Inner Critic With 6 Actionable Steps
Burnout is a medical condition as per the WHO and it takes a toll on your body and mind. Workplace burnout is one of the most common causes of burnout and the onset of burnout is gradual. It does not happen overnight, but rather in stages. There are 4 stages of burnout you should look…
Read more about Workplace Burnout? Understanding The Stages of Burnout🧟♂️
Why do you need to manage work pressure? Work pressure. Everyone knows what it is and it is a common feeling to be under pressure at work for any millennial or working professional. In today’s time it is unfortunately a norm to be overworked and deal with constant stress and pressure. It can cause a…
Read more about How To Handle Work Pressure & When To Quit
Buteyko breathing technique is a series of breathing exercises that have been designed in order to improve your health and mental wellbeing. This breathing technique improves your lung capacity, blood circulation and nasal airways! Your breath is a key element for the foundation of your life and it can help regulate your physical and mental…
Read more about Buteyko Breathing Technique: How To Do It The Right Way & Benefits
Breath holding refers to voluntarily holding your breath for a short period of time in order to increase mental power, improve lung capacity and manage stress or anxiety. There are many benefits of breath holding, but the most important part is knowing how to do it safely. Breath holding safely Breathing is your life’s anchor.…
Read more about Benefits of Breath Holding – Correct Method To Hold Breath
Evolve > Stress > Work Life Balance: 6 Tips To Achieving Work Life Balance What is work life balance? Work life balance is the equilibrium between your personal life and work life. It is the balance you strike where you spend equal or enough time for yourself, with yourself and loved and on your career and work related…
Read more about Work Life Balance: 6 Tips To Achieving Work Life Balance
Evolve > Mindfulness > How To Use 21/90 Rule To Build Good Habits Or Get Rid of Bad Ones A habit is very difficult to form. It takes time, effort, dedication and practice. If it were easy to form, everyone would do it. Everyone wants to make good habits, whether it’s in business, in hobbies, or in your…
Read more about The 21/90 Rule: How To Use 21/90 Rule To Build Good Habits Or Get Rid of Bad Ones
Breathing is a great way to change your mood and state of mind. By manipulating the amount of oxygen that enters your system you can reduce stress and anxiety in the moment. Moreover, you can balance your heart rate, blood pressure and gain a sense of calm. Breathing exercises can help you sleep better, practice…
Read more about Box Breathing Technique for Stress & Focus