Evolve > Anger > Feeling Frustrated & Angry? Here’s How To Deal With Frustration Feeling frustrated and angry is very common. In fact, frustration is one of the most common negative emotions. It occurs when you feel irritated due to a situation you cannot control! There are many different reasons you may be feeling frustrated and it’s important…
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Evolve > Anxiety > Low Self-Esteem: Understanding The Signs What is low self-esteem? Self-esteem refers to a person’s own subjective point of view of their own self-worth. How good, confident, proud, ashamed etc. you feel etc you feel about yourself. In case you don’t feel good about yourself and think you have many unwanted or…
Evolve > Meditation > How To Be Patient In Your Everyday Life How to be patient is something everyone needs to sharpen, especially in the fast-paced world. When Instagram stories last 15 seconds and attention spans are constantly decreasing, patience becomes not just a virtue but a skill to master! There is a need for…
Evolve > Anxiety > How to Avoid Negative Thoughts When something’s bothering you, getting your mind off of it is easier said than done. Knowing how to avoid negative thoughts and get away from them is very important. It can help you feel better, avoid dwelling on negativity and improve your overall mood. Moreover, constantly…
Evolve > Stress > How To Be Tension Free and Stress Free You experience a lot of stress everyday. It comes when you’re travelling, when you’re working or any other situation. No matter what is going, stress is a part of life. Stress has a lot of drawbacks and it needs to be managed properly…
Evolve > Anger > How To Deal With Frustration In 4 Simple Ways Frustration is one of the most common negative emotions. Frustration is a feeling you experience when upset or annoyed due to a situation outside of your control! You may experience it everyday through basic small triggers and big triggers at work, while…
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Evolve > Meditation > Visualisation Meditation: 3 Exercises To Try Visualisation meditation, also known as imagery meditation is one of the most effective meditation techniques. So what is visualisation meditation? A powerful technique where you can visualize yourself in various surroundings or environments to engage your senses through imagery. By imagining a specific visualisation, you…
Read more about Visualisation Meditation: 3 Exercises To Try
Anxiety can manifest itself in various ways and it’s different for different people. For you, it may be a physical headache, for others it might be a sense of nervousness. The signs and symptoms of anxiety are different, but it is important to know them! Since anxiety can directly impact your emotions, the emotional symptoms…
Oxytocin is also known as the cuddle hormone as it is activated and secreted when you do something you love. It plays a key role to reduce anxiety, improves social relations and feelings of attachment and love. More the oxytocin in your body, the more pleasure and happiness you feel. It is one of the…
Oxytocin is the cuddle hormone which is secreted by your body when doing something you love. It helps reduce anxiety, improves social bonding and increases attachment and feelings of love. It helps you feel pleasure and happiness, and is one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body. Oxytocin gives you that warm fuzzy…
Serotonin is the hormone that is secreted by your body when you do something relaxing and pleasing. It is also called the mood stabiliser as it boosts your mood and reduces stress! It’s one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body when you are happy. Serotonin brings a feeling of relief, reduces stress…
Serotonin is the hormone that is secreted by your body when you do something relaxing and pleasing. It is a feel-good hormone that is also called the “mood stabiliser” as it boosts mood and reduces stress. In fact, it’s one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body when you are happy. Serotonin brings…
Read more about Serotonin: The Hormone That Can Reduce Stress
Endorphins are hormones that are secreted by your body to mask pain and increase happiness. Part of the feel-good hormones that are also called the “pain killers” as they reduce stress, emotional pain and boosts your mood. In fact, they are one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body when you are happy.…
Endorphins are hormones that are secreted by your body to mask pain and increase joy.. They are feel-good hormones that are also called the “painkiller” as it helps reduce stress, emotional pain and boosts your mood. In fact, it’s one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body when you are happy. It gives…
Read more about How Endorphins Mask Pain & Reduce Stress
Evolve > Mindfulness >How to Introduce Mindfulness to Children Mindfulness refers to the practice of being aware in the present moment and focusing on it entirely, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. There are various benefits of mindfulness, including better resilience, relationships and connection to yourself. You can practice mindfulness…
Knowing the signs and symptoms of anxiety is important. Sometimes you may be feeling a particular way or showing a symptom, but fail to recognise it. In fact, anxiety can manifest itself in various ways, including emotional and physical symptoms. Here are the main physical symptoms of anxiety. The physical symptoms of anxiety Rapid breathing.…
Evolve > Mindfulness >What Is Candle Breathing? There are many different breathing techniques available to you. Each of them has their own benefits and help you balance yourself. Breathing exercises and techniques are a great way to practice mindfulness, meditation and stay in the moment. One such breathing technique is called candle breathing. Candle breathing…
Are you experiencing headaches when faced with anxious thoughts or uncertainty? If so, you’re not alone. Anxiety headaches are one of the most common symptoms of anxiety and stress. The sharp uptake in cortisol leads to your blood vessels tightening, causing headaches. Dealing with anxiety and stress is the only way to reduce the anxiety…
Read more about Here’s 6 Tips To Manage Anxiety Headaches
Evolve > Mindfulness >How To Practice Mindfulness At Home? Mindfulness at home is a great option! If you’re a beginner or regular, this is a great way to add emotional well-being into your day! With lockdown and work from home becoming the norm, meditating and practicing mindfulness at home is definitely worth considering. Understanding the…
Stress manifests itself in various ways, including behavioural symptoms of stress. The way you behave, act and feel can be impacted due to the stress you are facing. It can display itself in many ways, but these signs and symptoms of stress are easy to spot. So what are the main behavioural symptoms of stress?…
Evolve > Mindfulness >The Link Between Dopamine & Personal Growth Dopamine is a neurotransmitter known as the reward chemical. It helps you feel pleasure and happiness, and is one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body. It controls motor functions, sensory stimuli and keeps you alert & awake. So how do dopamine and…
Read more about The Link Between Dopamine & Personal Growth
Stress shows up differently for different people. From showing physical symptoms such as exhaustion and headaches, to loss of appetite and sleepiness. However, stress can also manifest itself in your system through emotional turmoil. Since stress is the body’s response to tension and high pressure situations, it can affect your emotions too. The emotional symptoms…
Stress manifests itself in various ways, but its physical symptoms of stress are usually very telling. Stress is stored in our bodies in the form of tension and tightness, but also displays itself in various other ways physically. If you can identify these physical symptoms of stress early on, it’ll help you manage stress better.…
It’s important to manage stress and energy levels during the day, so you can end your day in high spirits! By incorporating these simple habits into your day, you can stay energised throughout the day and end your workday on a positive note. Stress is an important issue to tackle as workplace stress is the…
Read more about How To Manage Stress & End The Day Feeling Energised
Managing stress and anxiety – the biggest problem of our time? Climate change, food security and poverty are arguably some of the biggest challenges ahead of us in the coming decades. And most debates and discussions from school classrooms to global forums focus on these challenges. However, I would argue that there’s an equally important…
Read more about Managing Stress – The Biggest Problem Of Our Time?
Stress can affect your life in many different ways. The physical and emotional toll of constant stress can lead to burnout, migraines, exhaustion and many other health issues. One of the more understated impact of stress is how it affects the sex lives of both men & women. How stress impacts your sex life? Reduced…
The smallest things can have the biggest impact during your day. Adding simple, good habits into your daily routine can help you stay energised, balanced and healthy! These activities take about 5 minutes or less and you should add them to your day. They help you reduce stress, boost productivity and stay balanced all day!…
Read more about Reduce Stress with 8 Activities in Your Daily Routine
Stress is the body’s reaction to certain strain or pressure. When facing stress, your body and mind react in particular ways, different for each person. Stress is usually caused due to certain pressures or difficult circumstances. However, not all stressors are a bad thing. In fact, there are 2 major types of stress. One type…
Home > Anxiety > How To Show Yourself Some Love & Overcome Anxious Thoughts When you’re overwhelmed with anxious thoughts, don’t feel great about yourself and need a pick-me-up, it can be difficult to find. However, now you can cheer yourself up by taking time out to show yourself some love. The best part –…
Read more about How To Show Yourself Some Love & Overcome Anxious Thoughts
Evolve > Sleep > 6 Meditation Techniques on Evolve to Sleep Faster, Stress Less Evolve is an Indian app that makes personal growth light and joyful! Our guided audios incorporate a variety of proven techniques to help you sleep better, practice daily meditation, stress less, reduce anger, build relationships, increase productivity & improve focus. Our…
Read more about 6 Meditation Techniques on Evolve to Sleep Faster, Stress Less
“Stress is the pandemic of the 21st century” said the WHO and then Covid-19 came along. However, with the outbreak, it’s fair to assume stress levels have gone through the roof. Work from home creates workplace stress, dealing with lockdown is difficult, you’re unable to meet friends and loved ones too. There are a host…
Did you know? Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. When you practice gratitude, express gratefulness or do something good, your body releases a hormone called oxytocin. This is also known as “the love hormone”… It helps reduce stress, makes you happy and boosts your mood! In fact, there’s an entire…
Read more about Reduce Stress By Practicing Gratitude In These 4 Ways
Workplace burnout refers to a condition of extreme mental and physical exhaustion due to being overworked constantly with no respite for a prolonged period. Burnout is now officially diagnosed as a medical condition by the World Health Organisation as well. So what exactly causes workplace burnout and how it can affect you. Let’s take a…
Evolve > Focus > Deadline Stress? Beat it in 6 Simple Steps Did you know that deadlines are the #1 cause of workplace stress! You are running against the clock to finish daily tasks, send emails, submit reports, complete articles and in the times of the lockdown even finish household chores! All of this can…
Evolve > Mindfulness >9 Celebrities & Famous People And Their Meditation Routine Meditation and mindfulness is an important practice in everyday life. It helps you balance, gives you time to connect with yourself and puts you in the right frame of mind. Having your own meditation routine is always a good idea. In fact, incorporating…
Read more about 9 Celebrities & Famous People And Their Meditation Routine
Burnout is caused due to prolonged stress and pressure, usually at work or sometimes even at home. It causes total mental and physical collapse and you tend to lose motivation and feel tired all the time. It’s important to see the signs of burnout early on and take measures to avoid burnout. So, how can…
Stress creates a lot of problems in the short and long term. From momentary sweating to migraines and restlessness to burnout, the health problems are plenty if stress isn’t managed. Unfortunately for women, stress can impact their body through another way. The menstrual cycle. Stress can cause problems for your periods and certain irregularities in…
Evolve > Focus > Monday Blues? 5 Tricks To Starting Your Week Right! Mondays. There are songs about it, there’s horror stories about it and it’s usually the day that people don’t enjoy. It marks the start of a new week at work and all the stress it brings. It’s okay to not be super…
Read more about Monday Blues? 5 Tricks To Starting Your Week Right!
Home > Anxiety > 5 Things To Remember Next Time You’re Anxious When you feel anxious, it would be ideal to feel lighter, calmer and less worried! While it’s normal to feel extremely scared and restless when anxious, how you respond to it is very important. Anxiety is a sign that something has triggered you,…
Read more about 5 Things To Remember Next Time You’re Anxious
Home > Anxiety > How To Calm Your Mind in 7 Simple Ways Your stomach starts to twitch, your mind starts racing thoughts above its speed limit, you feel restless and you start sweating. These are symptoms of anxiety you would be familiar with. Whether its health conditions, financial issues, personal problems or any other…
Evolve > Focus > 7 Secrets To Performing Better Under Pressure Everyone faces pressure in their daily lives. This pressure manifests itself at work via tight deadlines, emergency briefs, urgent requirements from your reporting manager or any other event that requires you get lots of work done quickly. These situations will obviously cause stress, which…
Read more about 7 Secrets To Performing Better Under Pressure
Home > Anxiety > The Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety Knowing the signs and symptoms of anxiety is important. Sometimes you may be feeling a particular way or showing a symptom, but are unable to understand what is going on. When you’re able to notice and recognise symptoms, you can take the next steps onto…
Read more about Symptoms of Anxiety: Knowing The Signs & Symptoms
Home > Anxiety > 5 Easy Ways To Reduce Work Anxiety It’s very important to be able to manage anxiety at work. When anxious, you can’t just stop being anxious. It has never been that simple. Work anxiety will throw you off balance and cause a lot of workplace stress. From uncomfortable interactions, office politics…
Work is stressful. Over 76% millennials reported work to be a significant and primary stressor. It takes up a majority of your day and you can even face burnout if you work long hours and experience high pressure. Hence, it is important to be able to destress after a long day and have a post…
Read more about The Ideal Post Work Routine To Help You Destress
Breakups are stressful and very emotional, no matter the reason. It can cause a lot of turmoil and trigger a lot of painful and negative emotions. There can be a sense of abandonment, uncertainty and it takes time to come to terms with what has happened. However, knowing how to manage the stress and overcome…
Positive affirmations are short phrases or mantras that you repeat to yourself, which are positive in nature and describe a specific outcome or result. You say these affirmations to give yourself motivation, belief and for a feel-good factor. At first, these affirmations might not be true, but with constant repetition, your subconscious mind will start…
Read more about 20 Positive Affirmations To Reduce Stress and Improve Motivation
Evolve > Mindfulness >6 Things to be Grateful For When Times Are Tough When things get difficult, you can sometimes feel sad. Don’t worry, it’s normal. But how do you bounce back & boost your mood and relax? The simple solution is gratitude. Being grateful and positive, fills you up with serotonin, dopamine and other…
Read more about 6 Things to be Grateful For When Times Are Tough