Meditation is an extremely helpful and healthy practice that can bring about unthinkable positive changes in your body and mind. It is also instrumental in increasing mindfulness and giving you a more sound and Meditation is an extremely helpful and healthy practice that can bring about unimaginable positive changes in your mind and body. It…
Read more about Colours of Meditation: What do Colors Mean During Meditation Made Easy For You!
Meditation is a mental exercise that is performed to gain control of our thoughts, relaxation, and improve concentration. Simple techniques like meditation can help you relax mentally, let go of daily worries, and set your mind free. Mind control is greatly helped by meditation. The mind has the capacity to think a lot and to…
Baoding balls are a pair of relatively small balls, each small enough to be carried in one hand. They are also known as Chinese meditation balls, workout balls, or even Zen meditation balls. Baoding balls are commonly employed by continually rolling two or more of them in your palm so that their relative positions are…
What Is Journaling? Our thoughts and feelings are recorded in journals. Despite the fact that most journaling and finding new journaling ideas is a daily activity, there are virtually no guidelines. Keeping a journal is a method to document daily life. discovering our triggers for happiness and/or unhappiness. Your Journaling ideas can vary according to…
‘Meditation Visions’- the very term might seem like an alien idea to most people, without the exception of daily meditators even, but visions are something that do occur when we meditate. The explanation provided by various sources states that these visions often appear when you are lying in a realm between sleep and consciousness. Some…
Read more about Meditation Visions And Their Meanings- Everything You Need To Know!
Most people picture a monk sitting with his back straight and his eyes closed when they think about meditation. They ask you to close your eyes in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, the most popular type of meditation in the West. But if you wonder can I meditate with my eyes open? Well, this article will help…
You might find yourself suddenly breaking down uncontrollably in the midst of your meditation practice. It might also perplex you to an extent that you start getting frightened but it is only a very normal experience. We are all believers in the common notion that meditation relaxes and calms our body and mind and thus…
Read more about Crying During Meditation: Why Do We Cry During Meditation?
The waves of pleasure that you feel during meditation might not always be limited to sensations of calmness and tranquillity or a relaxed atmosphere in your body and mind. They can also turn out to be disturbing and very uncomfortable, and more so because the common notion of meditation that is usually provided in schools,…
Read more about Waves of Pleasure During Meditation – That Floating Feeling
Mindfulness By Jon Kabat Zinn As per Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness is anything that is done in the present while being fully aware in service of wisdom and self-understanding. This definition contains a number of crucial points that were not picked at random. Mindfulness is simply a subset of consciousness. As a result, it is not…
Read more about Jon Kabat Zinn’s Definition of Mindfulness
Who is Jon Kabat-Zinn? Well, the first question after clicking on the article will definitively be who is Jon Kabat-Zinn? Don’t worry I am here to answer all your questions and guide you through the 9 attitudes one must portray to lead a mindful life. Jon Kabat Zinn’s 9 attitudes will help you help deepen…
If you’re new to meditation or thinking about starting, you might be wondering how long you should meditate to get genuine results. You might also wonder how long meditation takes to work. Meditation might be challenging at first. But the benefits arrive quickly enough, and they improve gradually. Read this article to find out how…
We all grieve in our unique ways. For some, it goes quickly, while for others, it takes a long time. The fact is that when we lose someone we care about, we never quite recover. The vacuum, the void they leave, becomes a part of our lives. It becomes a part of our trip and…
Evolve > Mindfulness > Guided Meditation vs Self-Guided Meditation Guided meditation or self-guided meditation? Which one is better? Which one should you practice? The answer isn’t that binary. In order to understand which one is better, and which one is for you, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. What is the difference…
Evolve > Meditation > The Difference Between React and Respond To understand the difference between react and respond, let’s first imagine the below situation. You’re driving along, on your way to work, minding your own business. Out of nowhere, someone starts to cut you off or drives dangerously! You need to hit your breaks instantly…
Simply put, self-esteem is how we value ourselves. It’s more particularly the stories we tell ourselves about the types of people we are. We have good self-esteem if our opinions about ourselves are typically favourable. If our ideas about ourselves are frequently negative, we, like many others, may have poor self-esteem. The good news is…
What is stoicism? Stoicism is a life-affirming philosophy that emerged centuries ago. This philosophy was designed to shape the human spirit so that it becomes resilient, happy, virtuous, and wise, as a consequence of which they evolve into better individuals possessing great strength of mind and soul. This philosophy and its principles equip human beings…
In Today’s age, it is all about dealing with it and how! Mindfulness exercises are simply about being in the very moment you are inhaling your next breath. This does not come easy.
Read more about Simple Mindfulness Exercises-How To Make You More Peaceful
As we all know, there are very few habits as healthy and satisfying as meditation, especially when practiced daily or at least at regular intervals with consistency. Meditation is a great practice for people of all ages all over the world. If you are someone who has been introduced to meditation in the recent past…
Meditation for awareness means looking into yourself to understand your thought processes. It is seeing yourself and understanding how you are perceived by others.
Read more about Meditation For Awareness Simplified-all you Beginners need to know
Meditation in general, and daily meditation in particular, is a very simple yet beneficial practice for your mind and body. It is a practice owing to its origin to the primordial times. Meditation has been practiced in thousand different ways over the years but its actual motive was to try and comprehend the sacred and…
Read more about Daily Meditation- How to Practice and What are the Benefits?
When taking a bite of the food, notice how your body reacts and responds. Is the chewing sensation causing pain or discomfort? How is your stomach reacting? Does your mouth feel dry?
Read more about Mindful Eating- Simple Practice To Be In Good Health
Stoicism was founded by a dye trader. To begin with, Zeno of Citium was a Phoenician trader whose ship sunk near the Athenian port of Piraeus. Zeno lived, but he never returned to Athens. He spent twenty years studying with many philosophers before creating the Stoic school of thought about 301 BCE. Practicing stoicism can…
What are the 4 Cardinal Virtues? There are four cardinal virtues concerning the mind and the character of an individual according to the doctrines of classical philosophy and Christian Theology. The ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers stated that there were seven virtues in all, out of which four were recognized as cardinal virtues. The four…
Read more about 4 Cardinal Virtues – Aristotle and Plato
Buteyko breathing technique is a series of breathing exercises that have been designed in order to improve your health and mental wellbeing. This breathing technique improves your lung capacity, blood circulation and nasal airways! Your breath is a key element for the foundation of your life and it can help regulate your physical and mental…
Read more about Buteyko Breathing Technique: How To Do It The Right Way & Benefits
Breath holding refers to voluntarily holding your breath for a short period of time in order to increase mental power, improve lung capacity and manage stress or anxiety. There are many benefits of breath holding, but the most important part is knowing how to do it safely. Breath holding safely Breathing is your life’s anchor.…
Read more about Benefits of Breath Holding – Correct Method To Hold Breath
Evolve > Mindfulness > How To Use 21/90 Rule To Build Good Habits Or Get Rid of Bad Ones A habit is very difficult to form. It takes time, effort, dedication and practice. If it were easy to form, everyone would do it. Everyone wants to make good habits, whether it’s in business, in hobbies, or in your…
Read more about The 21/90 Rule: How To Use 21/90 Rule To Build Good Habits Or Get Rid of Bad Ones
Evolve > Meditation > How To Be Patient In Your Everyday Life How to be patient is something everyone needs to sharpen, especially in the fast-paced world. When Instagram stories last 15 seconds and attention spans are constantly decreasing, patience becomes not just a virtue but a skill to master! There is a need for…
Evolve > Meditation > Visualisation Meditation: 3 Exercises To Try Visualisation meditation, also known as imagery meditation is one of the most effective meditation techniques. So what is visualisation meditation? A powerful technique where you can visualize yourself in various surroundings or environments to engage your senses through imagery. By imagining a specific visualisation, you…
Read more about Visualisation Meditation: 3 Exercises To Try
Evolve > Mindfulness >How to Introduce Mindfulness to Children Mindfulness refers to the practice of being aware in the present moment and focusing on it entirely, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. There are various benefits of mindfulness, including better resilience, relationships and connection to yourself. You can practice mindfulness…
Evolve > Mindfulness >What Is Candle Breathing? There are many different breathing techniques available to you. Each of them has their own benefits and help you balance yourself. Breathing exercises and techniques are a great way to practice mindfulness, meditation and stay in the moment. One such breathing technique is called candle breathing. Candle breathing…
Evolve > Mindfulness >How To Practice Mindfulness At Home? Mindfulness at home is a great option! If you’re a beginner or regular, this is a great way to add emotional well-being into your day! With lockdown and work from home becoming the norm, meditating and practicing mindfulness at home is definitely worth considering. Understanding the…
Evolve > Mindfulness >The Link Between Dopamine & Personal Growth Dopamine is a neurotransmitter known as the reward chemical. It helps you feel pleasure and happiness, and is one of the 4 feel-good chemicals secreted by the body. It controls motor functions, sensory stimuli and keeps you alert & awake. So how do dopamine and…
Read more about The Link Between Dopamine & Personal Growth
Evolve > Sleep > 6 Meditation Techniques on Evolve to Sleep Faster, Stress Less Evolve is an Indian app that makes personal growth light and joyful! Our guided audios incorporate a variety of proven techniques to help you sleep better, practice daily meditation, stress less, reduce anger, build relationships, increase productivity & improve focus. Our…
Read more about 6 Meditation Techniques on Evolve to Sleep Faster, Stress Less
Evolve > Mindfulness >9 Celebrities & Famous People And Their Meditation Routine Meditation and mindfulness is an important practice in everyday life. It helps you balance, gives you time to connect with yourself and puts you in the right frame of mind. Having your own meditation routine is always a good idea. In fact, incorporating…
Read more about 9 Celebrities & Famous People And Their Meditation Routine
Evolve > Mindfulness >6 Things to be Grateful For When Times Are Tough When things get difficult, you can sometimes feel sad. Don’t worry, it’s normal. But how do you bounce back & boost your mood and relax? The simple solution is gratitude. Being grateful and positive, fills you up with serotonin, dopamine and other…
Read more about 6 Things to be Grateful For When Times Are Tough
Evolve > Mindfulness >Create A Perfect Morning Routine with These 10 Habits A morning routine is very important to give yourself a great start to the day. Doing simple things that keep your body and mind sharp, you give yourself a good platform for the rest of the day. You should begin every day feeling…
Read more about Create A Perfect Morning Routine with These 10 Habits
Evolve > Mindfulness >14 Different Meditation Techniques You Can Try “True meditation is sitting open to whatever is happening – pleasant or unpleasant.” – Adyashanti There is no right or wrong way to meditate. You practice meditation to the form that suits you best and works for you. There are so many different types of…
Read more about 14 Different Meditation Techniques You Can Try
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Happy Quotes To Make You Smile Whenever you are feeling sad, stressed or anxious, happiness and positive words help. In case you need to overcome anxiety in the moment or reduce any stress you have, take a look at some of these happy quotes which can help you smile! 10 happy…
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Motivational Quotes To Start Your Day It’s normal to require motivation when starting your day. Sometimes you feel lazy, tired and plain don’t want to start work. During the days of coronavirus, with working from home being more prevalent, focus and motivation are key commodities that you need more of everyday!…
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Quotes About Relationships That Will Make You Feel Good Relationships are a beautiful thing. Be it with your best friend, your partner, your parents or colleagues, every relationship you share with another person is special. You care for people, you love them and they are an integral part of your life.…
Read more about 10 Quotes About Relationships That Will Make You Feel Good
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Things to be Grateful For During Coronavirus The coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives as we know it. A new working and living environment, social distancing and a lot of ambiguity about when things will get back to normal. At such a time, feeling uncertain, sad, anxious or negative is common…
Read more about 10 Things to be Grateful For During Coronavirus
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Positive Quotes To Improve Your Mood In a super-connected world, there is so much happening around us. Some good, some bad. We face stress, anger, anxiety and so many other problems. At such a time, it’s good to have ways to boost your mood. It involves doing something that makes you…
Evolve > Mindfulness >6 Ways to Be Mindful during Coronavirus The coronavirus outbreak has been hard on everyone. No matter your gender, age or location, you have been affected by its impact. Lockdowns, curtailed movements and new environments to get used to can be troubling and cause anxiety and stress. When trying to overcome anxiety…
Evolve > Mindfulness >4 Ways Meditation Helps You Relax Meditation is a great way to spend time with yourself and allow your mind and body to gain some clarity. Meditation has many benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety. You can practice meditation anytime, anywhere. It also helps you feel relaxed and more positive. 4 ways…
Evolve > Mindfulness >22 Motivational Quotes to Find Inspiration When you’re in the need for inspiration to complete a task, increase your focus or get over a challenging or stressful situation, motivational words and quotes can help. They provide perspective, help you reflect and give you the boost you need to overcome what’s in front…
Evolve > Mindfulness >Body Scan Meditation – How To Practice It? Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention on a particular thought or object to train attention and awareness. A body scan meditation is a type of meditation which involves paying attention to all the parts of your body and the sensations you feel…
Read more about Body Scan Meditation – How To Practice It?
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Meditation Quotes by Famous Celebrities Meditation is the practice of silencing the thoughts in your mind to achieve awareness and focus and bring your mind back to balance. Meditation has many benefits and it is easy to practice, even at home! It helps reduce stress and anxiety, control temper, boost immunity,…
Evolve > Mindfulness >How To Focus and Prepare for a Virtual Meeting? During these times of Coronavirus, when you’re working from home and adapting to your new surroundings, keeping your focus in check can be difficult. More so when it comes to meetings with a client or your team. What used to be a personal…
Read more about How To Focus and Prepare for a Virtual Meeting?
Evolve > Mindfulness >10 Mindfulness Quotes from TV Shows For Positivity There is a lot of amazing television content available right now. From network shows to online streaming services, we are spoiled for choice! They are so popular, that a common reason for being unable to sleep includes binge watching television late at night! However, with…
Read more about 10 Mindfulness Quotes from TV Shows For Positivity